Professional Recording Studio
State-of-the-Art Equipment & On-Site, Experienced Producer
At Cityview Recording, we take the time to listen to your needs and to learn from you what your desired end result is. This helps us solve any technical problems as the recording process progresses. Experience tells us that careful tracking and recording of individual instruments and vocals during the session makes for a higher quality end product.
At Cityview Recording, our goal is to make your recording sound great! Records recorded at Cityview have been on the radio and sound just like the pros because WE ARE THE PROS!
Cityview Recording is a professional, 24bit/96khz high-definition, hybrid analogue/digital recording studio that features high-end, world-class analogue solid state and tube components. Our "front-end" is the same as you would find in any "BIG" studio anywhere in the world! Now, this top of the line hardware is available to the greater Willamette Valley, Portland, and Salem Oregon area musicians at an affordable rate!
Additionally, our sonic media division provides musical signatures "jingles" to Greater Willamette Valley advertisers. Our jingles can be heard on Comcast cable systems and radio stations throughout the Willamette Valley.